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Czech Calibration Association in a cooperation with the Czech Metrology Institute organizes in the period of March 31 to April 1, 2015 a workshop/seminar "School of pressure metrology"  aimed at calibrations of various pressure meas

Published 24. 02. 2015

Czech Metrology Institute was at the end of 2014 successfully accredited by CAI as the first inspection body in the CR in the area of metrology.  Inspection is a fully standardized activity of conformity assessment closest by its charact

Published 16. 02. 2015

ČMI pořádá 31.března  až 2.dubna 2015 v Mikulově čtvrtý ročník semináře věnovaného problematice měření teploty a vlhkosti v průmyslu a v kalibračních laboratořích.

Published 09. 02. 2015


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