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New video from laboratory of humidity

Submitted by rzeman on 30 May, 2024 - 18:34

Together with our colleagues from the humidity laboratory in Prague, Brno and Pardubice, we have prepared a new video from their laboratory.

In this video you will learn how we measure the humidity of air and other gases, but also the moisture of solids such as wood, paper, bricks or plastics.

You will also learn how we measure, for example, the moisture content of grain..

You can use the following link to start the video:

Světový den metrologie

Submitted by kfiala on 20 May, 2024 - 08:26

Tento rok poprvé je Světový den metrologie slaven na základě rezoluce Generální konference UNESCO, která vyhlásila 20. květen Světovým dnem metrologie.Toto rozhodnutí přináší nové příležitosti pro propagaci metrologie v souladu s posláním UNESCO vytvářet lepší svět prostřednictvím vědy a vzdělávání.

A4IM project meeting

The Czech Metrology Institute in Prague will host a 9-month meeting of EPM project A4IM from 13 to 14 June 2024.

A4IM (Affordable, Accessible, Adjustable and Accurate mr IMaging) is an innovative project which aim is to develop a small, portable, low-cost new MRI technology. A total of 19 participants from 10 countries are involved in the project. CMI is a leader of one of the WPs.