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CMC database

Field of measurement: electricity and magnetism
Quantity: capacity
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
(0.01 - 1.0E+4) nF (0.05 - 0.2) %
  • frequency 100 Hz up to 20 kHz
(0.00019 - 1000) μF (0.1 - 0.3) %
  • frequency 100 Hz up to 1 kHz
(0.00035 - 1000) μF (0.3 - 1) %
  • frequency 100 Hz up to 1 kHz
Quantity: AC resistance
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
(0.0001 - 1.0E+4) kΩ (0.05 - 0.2) %
  • frequency 100 Hz up to 20 kHz
Quantity: inductance
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
(0.1 - 10) H (0.5 - 1) %
  • frequency 100 Hz up to 20 kHz
Quantity: current
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (1 - 1000) A (0.8 - 0.8) %
  • frequency 0 Hz
9.21 (1 - 1000) A (0.5 - 0.5) %
  • frequency 50 Hz
Quantity: insulation resistance
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (0.01 - 100) MΩ (0.0012 - 0.0012) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (0.1 - 1) GΩ (0.0017 - 0.0017) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (1 - 10) GΩ (0.0017 - 0.0086) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (10 - 100) GΩ (0.0086 - 0.034) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (0.1 - 1) TΩ (0.034 - 0.27) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (1.0E+10 - 1) GΩ (0.02 - 0.02) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (1 - 10) GΩ (1 - 1) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (0.35 - 100) GΩ (1.2 - 1.5) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (0.1 - 1) TΩ (2.5 - 2.5) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (1 - 10) TΩ (4 - 4) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (100 - 100) MΩ (0.002 - 0.002) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (1 - 1) GΩ (0.003 - 0.003) % 131-MP-C006
(0.01 - 100) TΩ (0.02 - 1) % 131-MP-C006
Quantity: ochranná smyčka, impedance sítě a zemní smyčka
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (25 - 25) mΩ (5 - 5) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (50 - 50) mΩ (5 - 5) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (100 - 100) mΩ (5 - 5) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (330 - 330) mΩ (7 - 7) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (500 - 500) mΩ (8 - 8) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (1 - 1) Ω (10 - 10) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (1.8 - 1.8) Ω (18 - 18) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (5 - 5) Ω (30 - 30) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (10 - 10) Ω (60 - 60) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (18 - 18) Ω (100 - 100) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (50 - 50) Ω (300 - 300) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (100 - 100) Ω (500 - 500) mΩ 131-MP-C006
9.21 (180 - 180) Ω (1 - 1) Ω 131-MP-C006
9.21 (500 - 500) Ω (2.5 - 2.5) Ω 131-MP-C006
9.21 (1 - 1) kΩ (5 - 5) Ω 131-MP-C006
9.21 (1.8 - 1.8) kΩ (10 - 10) Ω 131-MP-C006
Quantity: RCD trip current
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (3 - 3000) mA (0.02 - 0.02) % 131-MP-C006
9.21 (3 - 3000) mA (1 - 1) % 131-MP-C006
Quantity: RCD trip time
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (10 - 5000) ms (0,02%+0,25ms - 0,02%+0,25ms) 131-MP-C006
9.21 (10 - 5000) ms (0.05 - 0.05) ms 131-MP-C006
Quantity: leakage current passive
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (0.1 - 30) mA (0,3%+2mA - 0,3%+2mA) 131-MP-C006
Quantity: leakage current differential
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (0.1 - 30) mA (0,3%+2mA - 0,3%+2mA) 131-MP-C006
Quantity: leakage current substitute
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (0.1 - 30) mA (0,3%+2mA - 0,3%+2mA) 131-MP-C006
Quantity: leakage current active
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (0.1 - 30) mA (0,3%+1mA - 0,3%+1mA) 131-MP-C006
9.21 (0.1 - 30) mA (0.055 - 0.055) % 131-MP-C006
Quantity: high voltage
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
9.21 (0 - 10) kV (0,3%+5V - 0,3%+5V)
  • frequency 0 Hz
9.21 (0 - 10) kV (0,5%+5V - 0,5%+5V)
  • frequency 50 Hz
Quantity: vertical deflection factor
Internal identifier Range Calibration and measurement capabilities Conditions of measurement Procedure Note to procedure
9.22 (1 - 21) mV (0,1% MH + 15mV - 0,1% MH + 15mV)
  • frequency 10 Hz up to 10 kHz
9.22 (21 - 556) mV (0,1% MH + 1mV - 0,1% MH + 1mV)
  • frequency 10 Hz up to 10 kHz
9.22 (0.556 - 210) V (0,05% MH + 1mV - 0,05% MH + 1mV)
  • frequency 10 Hz up to 10 kHz
