Project name: Research related to the International Gravity System
Project programme: INTER - EXCELLENCE
Project code: LTT19008
Project provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Project implementation: 1.1.2019 - 31.1.2023
Responsible project coordinator: Ing. Vojtech Pálinkáš, Ph.D., Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, v.v.i.
Project coordinator of CMI: Mgr. Mgr. Petr Křen
Other project participants: Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, v.v.i.
Project management summary: The aim of the Inter-Transfer sub-programme is to support the participation of Czech scientists in international research and development projects. This objective is to be achieved by supporting the participation of Czech scientists in top international research teams. We believe that the services of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) meet this requirement. The BGI and IGETS services bring together top scientists in the field of terrestrial gravimetry to address current issues in the field and to generate outputs and new knowledge that have relevance and application in the geosciences and other disciplines. The Czech Republic is active in the IAG in many areas. The project investigator is a member of two working groups in the field of terrestrial gravimetry and an advisor in Subcommission 2.1. In the framework of this project, the cooperation of the VÚGTK, v.v.i. would also continue. with CMI, which was developed within the framework of the GACR grant project No. 16-14105S. Research in the field of absolute gravimetry, which can be described as fundamental in the last 20 years, has been carried out. Some physical influences and processes have been elaborated and described, which in real terms have improved the accuracy of the measurement results by 30%. The proposed project would, on the one hand, continue the ongoing collaboration and, on the other hand, promote the research results more effectively on the international scene through the services of the IAG. The timing seems ideal, the current issues are the development of a new gravity system, the need to refine gravity measurements for implementation in GGOS and the comparison of different measurement technologies (laser and atomic interferometry). There is an opportunity to evaluate the first-class experience and results of the Czech team and to extend international cooperation. The sub-programme also aims at strengthening the position of Czech science in the international forum. We believe that, in addition to intensive involvement in the IAG services, this goal will be fulfilled by publishing new findings in impacted journals. The already mentioned grant project has shown that the topic can be well presented in periodicals such as Journal of Geodesy or Metrology. The involvement of an international partner will only increase these possibilities and will also help the citation of the research.