The system is based on the following elements:
- fundamental metrology, national (measurement) standards
- legal metrology
- industrial metrology, calibration service
The part of the CMI system are also associated laboratories.
Strategic plan of the CMI constitutes a part of the general strategy of the National Measurement System. Government of the Czech Republic has approved a conception of the NMS in its Resolution No. 812/2000 from the 23 rd August 2000, the strategic plan for the period 2005-2010 has been approved as a Government resolution No. 1250/2004 and the strategic plan for the period 2012-2016 has been approved as a Government resolution No. 901/2011.
Analysis of the National Metrology System of the Czech Republic:
The Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing along with the Czech Metrology Institute processed in 2011 the current analysis of the Czech national measurement system (CR NMS). The intentions and needs of the wider professional public are important in this process. Please, find the details here: .
Entities operating in the Czech national measurement system are listed here: obr. A
Securing way of the metrological continuity in the NMS are listed here: obr. B