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About CMI

Czech metrology institute provides uniformity and precision of measuring instruments and measurement in all the fields of research, technical and economic activities in the range of Law about metrology Nr. 505/90 Sb. in valid issue.

The Institute provides services in all basic fields of metrology:

Institute provides certification of reference materials, provides state metrology assessment of measuring instruments and other services too. CMI cooperates in many national bodies.

Quick links:

Establishing constitutional document

CMI Organogram

Qualification documents

Quality Management System

List of granted accreditation

Information published about Czech Metrology Institute
(summary in structure according Notice Nr. 442/2006 Sb. in valid issue)

1. Name of the Institute

Czech Metrology Institute (used acronym CMI)

see Establishing constitutional document 

economic-legal form: Government executive agency founded by Ministry of Industry and Trade of Czech Republic (MPO) (from 1.1.1993), state institution with full juridical responsibility  

2. Purpose and way of foundation

main activities: fullfilment of the activities in administration for the field of metrology according to Law about metrology Nr. 505/90 Sb. in valid issue, activities are defined in Establishing constitutional document

For all performed calibrations CMI has a unified quality system, which fulfills the requirements of CSN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

3. Organizational structureabout 350 employees, see Contacts and CMI Organogram
4. Contacts, Adresses:

headquarters adress: Okružní 31/772, 638 00  Brno, Czech Republic

data box: 65msw6w


Electronic registry of CMI

see Contacts and CMI organogram and see CMI Statutory representatives

5. Bank contacts:
bank:                   Česká národní banka, Na Příkopě 28, 155 03 Praha 1
currency:           CZK                                      EUR
account No.:            19813962134534-198139621
bank code:07100710
IBAN:                    CZ18 0710 0000 0001 9813 9621CZ88 0710 0345 3401 9813 9621

6. Identification number:


7. Tax identification number:


8. Documents:see Qualification documents, see Downloadsee Legal frame of metrology
9. Requests for information:

see part Problem solutions - part Providing of information according to the Law no. 106/1999 Sb. (free information access)

10. Submission office:see part Problem solutions - part Providing of information according to the Law no. 106/1999 Sb. (free information access) 
11. Correction matters:see part Problem solutions - part Providing of information according to the Law no. 106/1999 Sb. (free information access)
12. Forms:see part Problem solutions - part Providing of information according to the Law no. 106/1999 Sb. (free information access)
13. Description of procedures - instructions for problem solutions (life situations):see part Problem solutions - part Providing of information according to the Law no. 106/1999 Sb. (free information access)
14. Directives, regulations:see Legal frame of metrology
15. Pricing (documents, information):

see part Problem solutions - part Providing of information according to the Law no. 106/1999 Sb. (free information access)

16. Licence contracts:not used
17. Principles of personal data processing in CMI

Principles of personal data processing in CMI you can see here.

In this area, each data subject can contact the CMI: by phone at +420 724 913 812, by e-mail at or in writing at the address: Czech Metrology Institute, Okružní 31, 638 00 Brno, Czech Republic.

Responsible unit:Department of General Director
Responsible person:Mgr. Jan Statečný
Last date of update:1. 12. 2016
Date for end of validity:not determined